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Monday, April 22, 2013

Never Eat These 3 Foods

There’s not a lot of things that you shouldn’t “ever” eat.
In fact, I’ve never been the “never” type of guy. Pretty much EVERYTHING is good in moderation … and even most things that seem to be unhealthy … have some health benefits when used in moderation. Stuff like …
  • Drinking alcohol …
  • Eating saturated fat …
  • Smoking certain things …
  • Etc,
So it’s hard for me to say “NEVER” eat these things … but … I feel in this case it’s justified.
Once again, my main man, Dr. Al Sears breaks down 3 of the foods you should never eat if you wanna be healthy, lean and virile!
Dr. Sear’s writes:

“Here are three foods that will put you on the fast track to fat:

Breakfast Cereal: This one is a little deceptive. No one thinks of cereal as being a threat to their health. But no matter which one you choose, breakfast cereals are high on the glycemic index (GI). For many people, a dose of high-glycemic carbs in the morning is the prescription for building excess body fat.
You’d almost be better off eating a candy bar or a piece of cake.
The GI of an average piece of chocolate cake is between 31 and 38… a Snickers bar is about 43. Not bad.
Compare that to the GI of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes… which registers a whopping 132. That means corn flakes break down into sugar in your bloodstream faster than pure glucose!
And if you add fuel to the fire by putting sugar on your cereal, you’re sending an overwhelming surge of sugar into your system.
Remember, high blood sugar triggers a wave of insulin. And insulin is the hormone that sends the message to build and store fat.
Even “healthy” cereals like Grape-Nuts have a GI of 80. That’s also very high.
It might be a fast fix when you’re rushing in the morning, but cereal in the morning will make you fat. Avoid it at all costs.
French Fries: Possibly the worst foods you can eat. First off, potatoes are high-glycemic and not good for you in any form. But when you take potatoes and deep-fry them in trans fatty oil, you have a recipe for sickness and disease.
While white potatoes aren’t the best choice, the oil they’re cooked in adds much more danger than the potatoes do. If you need a potato fix now and then, opt for a baked potato or, better yet, sweet potatoes. They’re loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Bagels and Breads: Don’t fall for the “whole-grain goodness” trap. When it comes to the glycemic index, it matters very little whether breads are made from whole grain or not. Grains spike your blood sugar, and you know what that means.
Forget about the commercials you see on TV. Unless you are very poor and can’t get enough calories without them, you should avoid grains at least until you get as lean as you want to be. You’ll be better off without them.
In the morning, take a few extra moments and scramble some eggs. Before you throw the eggs in, sauté some sliced tomatoes and spinach. Maybe some onion, too. In less than 10 minutes, you can have a breakfast that will make you feel pumped and energetic for the whole morning.
And if you need a fast lunch, try a wrap instead of a sandwich. More and more restaurants offer wraps these days. They come in all styles – spinach is my favorite. (Try and avoid the heavy flour tortillas.)

With That Being Said, I Sin On Sundays …

So lately, I’ve been endulging in my “sin” of eating McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches on Sunday mornings before Church.
And Yup, I get the bacon, egg and cheese bagel. Spikes the ole insulin? Yup! Along with lotsa fat? Yup! Tastes unbelievably delicious? Yup!!!!
But you know what? I don’t try and deceive myself into thinking it’s something healthy I’m doing. It’s like my cheat day. And I usually take additional measures the rest of the day to minimize the impact (eat a little less, etc).
So whatever.
Don’t eat those three foods above … “ever” … and if you do … just know you’re not doing yourself any good. Life’s too short for any other attitude 

About the Arthur
Caleb is the owner of where he shares his short-cut tips to double your gains in all areas of your life, namely, Health, Wealth, and Love.

Friday, April 5, 2013

2 ways to Slim Down - Emergency Weight Loss Plan That Works

Have you left it a little late to lose those pounds?  Try this 2 ways to slim down but please remember that this is an emergency weight loss plan and not one that should be continued for any length of time.  Your health is far too important and you should respect it.  Long term weight loss is a great plan but gradual and slow should be the name of the game.  However for those last minute panics, these tricks will work.

The first day of your plan should be a juice only day.  This means either pure water with a squeeze of lemon or some home made unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices. The latter will help to give you some key nutrients to keep you going.  A day drinking just juices will not cause most people any health issues but it is definitely not suitable for those who are pregnant, already underweight or have any existing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems.

When making vegetable and fruit juices, try to use organic produce where possible.  Always wash the items carefully before preparation. This is particularly important if you cannot afford organic as you want to get rid of as much of the preservatives as possible.  When using celery and other root vegetables include the stalks and leaves in the juice as a lot of the nutrients are contained here. If not using organic, it is best to remove the roots, stalks and leaves and dispose of them.

Try combining carrots and apples or raspberry and peach.  Just juice enough for one serving and drink immediately as the nutrients start to disappear very quickly.   You can drink as much as you would like but aim to consume at least 1.5 liters of water so you do not dehydrate.  Water should be filtered and not carbonated or flavored.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Proactol Review - Is this product for me?

Okay, I'm here to take a review on Proactol for those who do not know what this wonderful product will do when you buy it and I'm going to give an honest and a precise overview of what this product will do for you. So it let to you to decide if this is really for you.

Proactol LTD
What is Proactol?
Proactol is a clinically Proven Slimming pill which reduces fat intake to about 30%. The effectiveness of this product is set revolutionize how you lose your weight, keep the fat off your body system. This product contains a non-soluble and soluble fibres complex. The non-soluble fibres binds the dietary fats in your stomach system to form a fluid gel and makes the fats glutinous and makes it hard to be absorbed by the body, and is passed out naturally out of the body.
The soluble fibres in Proactol are thick and sticky. When the two complexes meet, they form a viscious solution that helps slow down digestion within the body as well as slow down the absorption of glucose in the blood stream. you feel so much fuller when the solution in yur stomach is hard to digest helping you to crave for foods and stick to your diet.

First of all, Proactol has three winning formula which are 
a. It is Clinically proven.
b. It has undergone Medical certification.
c.It has doctors approval.

These formular alone places this product above other weight loss competitors with only baseless assurance to go on.

So here is how it work.

 The diagram above shows how Proactol™ binds with some of the fat in your stomach and helps it to pass harmlessly through your body. The second thing Proactol™ does is to help calm your food cravings by reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol.

SO when you absorb less and eat less, fat doesn't have a chance in your body system.

The thing about this product is that it comes with a 30 day money guaranteed as if this product didnt do what it was explained about, you will be given your money back 100 %. It also come with a limited bonus package which you can obtain here

Proactol LTD
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